Introduction to Spring Onion

Spring Onion: A Complementary Commodity and Cuisine Fragrance

Spring onion (Allium fistulosum L.) is a plant commonly used as a flavoring ingredient and mixture in a dish. Spring onions have a distinctive aroma and flavor. Indonesian people’s need for spring onions is very large, this is because of the many uses and the price is relatively cheap and affordable. Spring onion originates from Southeast Asia, which is then widely grown in various regions with tropical and subtropical climates.

Binomial Name

Allium fistulosum L.

Scientific Classification




















Allium fistulosum L.

Origin of Spring Onion

From China to the Rest of the World

Spring onion probably originated in China or Siberia and spread throughout Asia and various tropical and subtropical regions. Spring onions are easily found throughout Java, especially in the highlands or cold mountains, such as Cipanas, Pacet (Cianjur), Lembang (Bandung), and Malang (East Java). Spring onions can grow optimally in areas with an altitude of 250-1,500 meters above sea level with rainfall of 150-200 mm/year.

Fun Facts

Spring onions are widely used in Asian and European cuisines.


Spring onions were originally a plant that grew wild, but began to be cultivated as a vegetable crop as public knowledge developed.

Nutrient Content of Spring Onion

Per (100 gram)

2 gr


0,3 gr


7,8 gr


2,1 gr


60 mg


40 mg


30 mg


0,1 mg


0,3 mg


90 mg


2,3 mg

Vitamin A

218 mcg

Vitamin B1

0,1 mg

Vitamin B2

0,1 mg

Vitamin B3

0,2 mg

Vitamin C

11 mg

Key Health Benefits

Prevents Inflammation

The vitamin C content in spring onion acts as an antioxidant to fight inflammation.

Prevents Digestive Disorders

The fiber content in spring onion helps prevent constipation.

Prevents Cancer

The quercetin and flavonoid compounds in spring onion help fight the formation of cancer cells.

Strengthens Immunity

The antioxidant content in spring onions can protect body cells from damage.

Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

Spring onion contains complex carbohydrates or carbohydrates that take longer to digest so they don’t cause drastic spikes in blood sugar levels.

Aids Weight Loss

Spring onions are low in calories and contain fiber that will make you feel full longer.

Spring Onion Varieties

Spring Onion Varieties You Should Know

Fragrant Spring Onions Variety

This variety has sturdy vigor, sturdy stalks, no fibers, slow flowering, productive, and resistant to bacterial and fusarium wilt diseases.

Layur Spring Onions Variety

This variety has a smaller shape, both in terms of stem diameter and leaf size.

Deep Purple Spring Onions Variety

This variety has a clustered type, red stalk, 60-day harvest period for harvesting from seeds.


You Should Know

Although many look similar, the various varieties of spring onions have differences in terms of flavor, size, and function in cooking.

Economic and Market Potential

Spring Onion: An Export Commodity with Great Potential

The development of spring onion production from year to year tends to increase. Marketing of fresh spring onion production is not only for the domestic market but also the export purposes. Indonesia exports spring onions to Singapore and the Netherlands. The existence of innovations in agriculture from conventional to modern, such as the application of verticulture systems can be one of the ways to increase spring onions production.

Export Value

Spring onions are exported to various countries in Asia and Europe.

Fun Facts

With the development of the food industry in Indonesia, the market demand for spring onion is increasing.

Read More Articles about Spring Onions at Kebunindo

Explore more articles about spring onions at Kebunindo. Learn more about the cultivation, benefits, and economic potential of spring onions.

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