Introduction to Broccoli

Broccoli, A Vitamin-Rich Vegetable

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) is a vegetable belonging to the cabbage family, known for its rich nutritional content that is beneficial for health. Broccoli is packed with essential nutrients such as pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, iron, carotenoids, lutein, glutathione, sulforaphane, zinc, and many other nutrients.
Originating from the Mediterranean region, broccoli has been cultivated since Ancient Greek times. It is believed to have originated in Europe, specifically in the areas of Cyprus, Southern Italy, and the Mediterranean, around 2,000 years ago. Today, broccoli is grown across the world, including countries like Pakistan, India, China, France, the UK, Poland, Mexico, the United States, and many others. Broccoli started to be cultivated in Indonesia in the 1970s.
Broccoli is known for its wealth of health-promoting nutrients. This vegetable is rich in antioxidants and minerals such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, and K, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. Research shows that broccoli has a very high content of vitamin C (89.2 mg) and fiber (2.6 mg) compared to other vegetables.
Additionally, broccoli is believed to help prevent cancer cell development and strengthen the immune system. Broccoli is commonly used in various delicious dishes such as broccoli nuggets, stir-fried broccoli, broccoli soup, broccoli sandwiches, and other stir-fries, boiled dishes, and fried preparations.


Cara Menanam Brokoli

Dari Persiapan Lahan hingga Panen yang Melimpah

Persiapan Lahan

Pilih lokasi dengan kondisi lahan yang gembur dan luas yang cukup. Apabila tanah memiliki pH kurang dari 5,5, lakukan pengapuran tanah menggunakan dolomit.

Gunakan Varietas Unggul Sebagai Bibit

Pilihlah sumber bibit unggul seperti Lucky Bejo, Green Super F1, ataupun Brokoli Mentega. Benih harus disterilkan dengan merendam benih selama 15-30 menit dalam air panas 55 °C.

Penanaman Brokoli

Pilihlah waktu tanam yang baik antara pagi hari pukul 06.00-10.00 atau sore hari pukul 15.00-17.00. Pilihlah bibit yang sehat dan memiliki penampilan segar. Cabut bibit dengan tanah sekitar 3 cm dengan hati-hati.

Langkah Perawatan Brokoli Untuk Hasil Produktivitas Maksimal

Apabila bibit brokoli tidak tumbuh dengan baik/mati, lakukan penyulaman. Lakukan penyulaman seminggu setelah tanam. Ganti segera bibit dengan bibit yang baru.

Langkah Pemanenan Brokoli

Panen saat pagi hari atau sore hari agar bunga brokoli tidak mengalami transpirasi. Potong batang brokoli 10 cm pada pangkal tangkai bunga paling bawah. Sisakan 6-7 helai daun untuk membungkus bunga agar tidak rusak.

Binomial Name

Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica

Klasifikasi Ilmiah
















Brassica oleracea L.var italica

Origin of Broccoli

The Green Veggie from Italy that Conquered the World

Broccoli is a vegetable from the cabbage family, and its cultivation began in Ancient Greece. The Ancient Romans were also fond of broccoli, as evidenced by the famous naturalist Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), who wrote about the Romans growing, harvesting, and cooking broccoli. The first variety of broccoli was discovered in southern Italy, specifically in the region of Cyprus, around 2,000 years ago, and was called ‘broccolo calabrese’ (Calabrian broccoli) in Italian. This term comes from the Latin word ‘brachium’, meaning ‘arm, branch, or sprout.’
At that time, the Romans would prepare broccoli by boiling it with a mixture of spices, oil, onions, and wine. Another common preparation involved a cream sauce made with spices or wine. Romans even ate broccoli raw before meals, as they believed it helped strengthen their bodies for consuming large amounts of alcohol.
Broccoli began to be cultivated in Indonesia around the 1970s. Today, broccoli is grown in various countries worldwide, including Pakistan, India, China, Japan, France, the UK, Poland, the Netherlands, Mexico, the United States, and many others.

Broccoli Production Centers in Indonesia

North Sumatra

West Java

East Java

Central Java



Interesting Facts

Broccoli was first discovered by the Etruscans, a group known for their genius in plant cultivation during Ancient Italy. The Romans used to eat broccoli raw to strengthen their bodies when consuming alcohol. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a compound that may help protect the body against cancer.

Nutritional Content of Broccoli

Per (100 gram)

2,82 gr

Total fat

0,37 gr


6,64 gr

Dietary fiber

2,6 gr


47 mg


66 mg


10 mg

Lutein dan Zeaxanthin

1121 μg


361 μg


316 mg


0,73 mg

Vitamin A

31 μg

Vitamin B1

0,071 mg

Vitamin B2

0,117 mg

Vitamin B3

0,639 mg

Vitamin C

89,2 mg

Vitamin B5

0,573 mg

Vitamin B6

0,175 mg

Vitamin B9

63 μg

Vitamin E

0,78 mg

Vitamin K

101.6 μg


21 mg


0,41 mg


34 kkal

Main Health Benefits

Maintains Digestive Health

Broccoli has a high fiber and antioxidant content. These compounds support healthy gut function, promoting smooth digestion. The high fiber content is due to the presence of FODMAPs, which are fermentable carbohydrates (oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) that take longer to digest, helping to produce short-chain fatty acids that improve digestion and prevent constipation.

Prevents Cancer Risk

Cancer is caused by abnormal and rapid cell growth, which is a type of oxidative stress disease. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a compound that helps prevent cancer formation and reduce oxidative stress from abnormal cell growth. Additionally, other anti-cancer compounds in broccoli include phytochemicals, vitamins A, C, and E. Consuming broccoli may help reduce the risk of various cancers, such as breast, pancreatic, lung, stomach, colorectal, and prostate cancers.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels and Risk of Heart Disease

While cholesterol is important for the body and plays a key role in digestion, high cholesterol levels are harmful and can increase the risk of heart disease. This green vegetable from Italy is claimed to improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels in the body, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

Boosts Immune System

Broccoli contains antioxidant compounds such as glutathione, quercetin, indole-3-carbinol, sulforaphane, carotenoids, and kaempferol. These compounds help protect cells from inflammatory damage and fight free radicals in the body, boosting immune defense and preventing chronic diseases.

Maintains Eye Health

Broccoli helps in maintaining eye health. It contains beta-carotene, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which help reduce the risk of eye diseases and improve vision. Additionally, these compounds help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. The beta-carotene in broccoli also acts as a pro-vitamin A, essential for eye health.

Promotes Healthy Bones and Teeth

Broccoli contains vitamin C, antioxidants, and calcium, which are beneficial for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It helps prevent gum infections (periodontitis) and improves dental health. Regular consumption of broccoli may also reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Slows Down the Aging Process

Compounds in broccoli, such as sulforaphane, have powerful antioxidant properties that can slow down the aging process by reducing free radicals. Additionally, the high content of vitamins A and E in broccoli helps maintain skin health. Regular consumption of broccoli can help prevent the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

Broccoli Varieties

Here are the Superior Broccoli Varieties!

Lucky Bejo

Lucky Bejo is a popular superior broccoli variety. This variety produces heads weighing 400-500 grams and has a quick harvest time of just 60-65 days after planting. Its leaves grow upward, preventing the plant from disease caused by water stagnation.

Super Royal Green

Super Royal Green produces large broccoli heads, weighing around 500 grams. This variety has an exceptionally short harvest time of just 53-58 days after planting. It is resistant to bacterial leaf spot disease.

Green Super

Green Super is well-known for its large broccoli heads. In one harvest, the weight of the broccoli can reach up to 600 grams. This variety has a fast harvest time of only 55 days.

Matador 777

Matador 777 produces large broccoli heads, weighing up to 600 grams per harvest. The harvest time is 58 days. This variety is resistant to bacterial leaf spot and black rot, making it ideal for locations with these disease problems.


The Valencia variety yields broccoli heads weighing around 450 grams. Its harvest time is very quick, only requiring 50 days after planting.

Green Magic

Green Magic is famous for producing even larger heads, ranging from 500 to 700 grams per harvest. The major advantage of this variety is its resistance to hot weather. However, the harvest time is longer, requiring 90 days. Green Magic is also resistant to diseases such as bacterial leaf spot, stem rot, and black rot.

Ludy Broccoli

Ludy Broccoli yields heads weighing 500 grams. The harvest time for this variety is around 65-67 days after planting.


Did You Know

Green Magic broccoli, which originates from Japan, is resistant to various diseases such as black rot, bacterial leaf spot, and root rot. It is also tolerant to hot weather conditions.

Economic Potential and Market

Countless Benefits, Here's the Economic Potential of Broccoli!

Broccoli is a popular vegetable in Indonesia, known for its delicious taste and nutritional value. Its higher price compared to cauliflower makes it a favorite among the upper-middle class. Not only is broccoli distributed locally, but it is also exported abroad. The broccoli market has grown by 15-20% annually. Broccoli from Indonesia is exported to countries such as Italy, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan. With the right cultivation techniques, Indonesia has the potential to become one of the largest broccoli producers in the world.

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