Cabbage is a vegetable plant that is layered in shape. Cabbage consists of various varieties with different colors, textures, and shapes, such as green cabbage, purple cabbage, savoy cabbage, and napa cabbage (chicory). Cabbage or often referred to as cabbage can be enjoyed as fresh vegetables, pickles, gado gado, soup and capcay (Mahdalina, 2019).
Brassica oleracea
Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetables in human history. Native to the Mediterranean, cabbage has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years by the Greeks for medicinal purposes. Wild cabbage was first found on the rocky shores of England and France, and along the Mediterranean and Atlantic Sea Coasts. Various types of cabbage have been cultivated and enjoyed by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. With extensive culinary knowledge, the Romans helped popularize cabbage throughout Europe.
Cabbage became a staple food for the French in medieval times, especially for the working class. Cabbage was often eaten in soups or stews and became an important food during the long winter as it could be preserved. Cabbage became an important ingredient in French cuisine over the years.
Based on the Centhini fiber published in 1816, cabbage was brought to Indonesia by the Dutch to be planted and cultivated. The Dutch cooked cabbage into foods called zuurkool, stamppot, boerenkool soep, and sauerkraut. This culinary dish commonly eaten by the Dutch is a mixture of cabbage and other vegetables cooked with broth. Cabbage was later adopted into Indonesian cuisine because it has a crunchy texture, high water content, and a less bitter taste. Cabbage was then widely cultivated in the highland areas of Indonesia and became part of the culinary industry.
Cabbage became a staple food for the French in medieval times especially during winter.
The entry of cabbage into Indonesia was recorded in Centhini fiber brought by the Dutch as an ingredient in dishes called zuurkool, stamppot, boerenkool soep, and sauerkraut.
2,5 gr
1,1 gr
8 gr
3,4 gr
100 mg
50 mg
50 mg
0,9 mg
0,6 mg
100 mg
3,4 mg
0,4 mg
0,1 mg
0,2 mg
16 mg
The anthocyanins in cabbage act as antioxidants to control chronic inflammation.
The high fiber content in cabbage can increase good bacteria in the gut.
Anthocyanins in cabbage also play a role in preventing heart disease.
Cabbage is rich in vitamin K which is good for bones.
The antioxidant and vitamin K content in cabbage also plays a role in maintaining brain health.
The vitamin C content in cabbage plays a role in protecting the skin from UV exposure and prevents the appearance of premature signs of aging on the skin.
Kandungan vitamin C di dalam kubis dapat membantu membuat kolagen dan meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
Apart from anthocyanins, cabbage also contains antioxidants in the form of sulforaphane which can reduce the risk of cancer.
The high potassium content in cabbage plays a role in lowering blood pressure.
The fiber in cabbage prevents cholesterol absorption and lowers cholesterol levels.
Inflammation of the breast that commonly occurs in breastfeeding mothers can be treated by compressing washed cabbage.
The vitamin B content in cabbage plays a role in overcoming fatigue.
The vitamin C and sulfur content in cabbage is beneficial for removing toxins from the body.
This variety is a hybrid cabbage cultivated in the highlands, can be harvested after 70-80 days old, with a potential yield of 45-50 tons/ha.
This variety is a hybrid cabbage suitable for cultivation in the medium to highlands, can be harvested after 75-80 days of age, with a crop weight of 2.5 - 3 kg per plant, and is resistant to black rot disease.
This variety is suitable for cultivation in the highlands, can be harvested after 85-90 days of age, and is resistant to being stored in open spaces
This variety can be cultivated in the lowlands, can be harvested after 60 days of age, with a potential yield of 2 kg per crop
This variety can be cultivated in the lowlands, can be harvested after 72-75 days of age, has a crop weight of 1.7 - 2 kg, and has a potential yield of 45 tons/ha.
Cabbage is one of the horticultural commodities that has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. Cabbage commodities contribute to the country’s foreign exchange earnings with an average growth value of 7.97% in the 2019 period.
Indonesia’s export destination countries are Taiwan and Singapore with export values of USD 5.97 million and USD 1.83 million, respectively.
The Netherlands and Mexico are the first and second largest cabbage exporters in the world.
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