Introduction to Cucumber

Cucumber: Indonesia's Favorite Fresh Fruit Vegetable

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is one the most popular vegetables in the world. Cucumber is generally consumed in fresh form. Cucumber originated from the Indian region, precisely on the slopes of the Himalayas. Cucumber cultivation is increasingly widespread throughout the world, both in tropical and sub-tropical climates. Cucumber is a plant that does not require special growing requirements, because it can be grown both in the lowlands to the highlands.


Cara Budidaya Mentimun

Dari Persiapan Lahan hingga Panen yang Melimpah

Pilih Lahan yang Sesuai dan Siapkan Tanah dengan Benar

mentimun cocok ditanam pada tanah yang mengandung cukup banyak hara organik, tanah berkadar liat rendah dengan pH tanah sekitar 6-7, serta tidak tergenang air

Pilih Bibit Unggul untuk Hasil Panen Berkualitas

Seleksi mentimun yang pangkalnya kecil namun buahnya panjang dan besar. Biarkan mentimun masak di pohon hingga terlihat akan membusuk. Petik mentimun dan diamkan selama satu malam.

Penanaman mentimun

Tanamlah biji yang telah bertunas. Letakkan masing-masing satu biji ke dalam lubang tanam, lalu tutup dengan tanah. Siram biji yang sudah ditanam. Tunggu selama 2 hari, biasanya tunas pada biji akan terlihat lebih tinggi.

Perawatan Rutin untuk Pertumbuhan yang Maksimal

Penyiangan: Lakukan penyiangan dan penggemburan pada minggu ke-2 dan ke-4 setelah tanam. Sesuaikan frekuensi dengan kondisi gulma. Penyiraman: Di awal pertumbuhan, penyiraman dilakukan 1-2 kali sehari, lalu dikurangi menjadi 2-3 kali per minggu tergantung cuaca. Pastikan tanah tidak kering atau tergenang.

Cara Panen yang Benar untuk Hasil Berkualitas

Memilih warna buah yang seragam. Buah muda yang dipetik, kulitnya akan mudah keriput dan buah yang terlambat dipetik akan terasa pahit. Pemanenan sebaiknya dilakukan pada pagi hari sebelum jam 09.00.

Binomial Name

Cucumis sativus L.

Scientific Classification




















Cucumis sativus L.

The Origin of the Cucumber

From India to the Rest of the World

From India, the cucumber plant spread to other countries in the Asian region to the Americas. The spread of cucumber in China began to be recognized two centuries BC and its spread in America is in California, New York, South Carolina, Texas and Florida. Currently, cucumber cultivation has spread widely in various parts of Indonesia, especially in Java and Sumatra.

Cucumber Commodity Production Centers in Indonesia

West Java

East Java

North Sumatera

Middle Java


Fakta Menarik

Cucumbers have been cultivated by humans since 1000 (one thousand) years ago. Advances in beauty technology have revealed that cucumber can be used as a component in cosmetic products to treat beauty.

Nutritional Content of Cucumber

Per (100 gram)

0,2 gr


0,2 gr


1,4 gr


0,3 gr


29 mg


95 mg


2 mg


57,1 mg


0,8 mg


0,02 mg


0,1 mg

Vitamin A

18 mcg

Vitamin B1

0,01 mg

Vitamin B2

0,02 mg

Vitamin B3

0,1 mg

Vitamin C

1 mg

Key Health Benefits

Improve Facial Skin Condition

The high water content in cucumber can help moisturize dry skin, soothe, cool, and relieve redness on facial skin.

Improves Cognitive Function

Betacarotene in cucumber is effective in reducing the risk of dementia.

Increases Hydration or Fluid Intake

The very high water content in cucumbers can help increase hydration and fulfill the body’s fluid intake.

Lowers Fat Levels in the Blood

The high fiber content in cucumbers helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood, supporting overall heart health.

Filters Toxins from the Body

The water content in cucumber plays a role in detoxifying the body, by removing toxins and waste from the digestive system.

Relieves Skin Irritation

Cucumber has a very high water content, which gives a cooling effect and reduces inflammation on the skin.

Cucumber Varieties

Cucumber Varieties You Should Know

Cucumber Batara F1

This variety has the advantage of being resistant to gemini virus and crackle disease, large fruit, and strong and sturdy vigor.

Cucumber Monza F1

This variety has the advantage of being suitable for planting in low to medium altitude areas, especially during the dry season, characterized by whitish green fruit flesh that has a long shelf life.

Cucumber Panda F1

This variety has the advantage of being able to be planted in the low to medium plains, good vigor growth, productive side branches, thick fruit flesh suitable for pickles or salad.

Cucumber Bandana F1

This variety has advantages with flowering age 23 to 25 hst, flowering age 30 to 35 hst, fruit length 15.5 cm, diameter 3.5 cm, fruit weight 1.3 to 1.9 kg, fruit weight 119 to 135.36 g, fruit yield per hectare 34.5 to 51 t/ha, resistant to gummy stem blight or stem rot and susceptible to geminivirus.

Cucumber Erina

ERINA F1 is one type of hybrid cucumber that has several advantages including: dense fruit and whitish green, suitable for fresh vegetables, very resistant to disease and gemini virus attacks, suitable for planting in the low - medium plains, fruit weight ranges from 130 - 160 grams with a potential yield of 50 tons / ha and can be harvested at 35 - 37 Hst.

Cucumber Etha 87

This variety can be cultivated in the lowlands, is resistant to Gemini Virus disease, can be harvested after 33 - 38 HST, produces fruit with a weight of 120 - 150 grams / fruit and has a potential yield of 45 - 55 tons / Ha.

Cucumber Zatavy

This variety can be cultivated in the low to medium plains, is resistant to Gemini virus disease, can be harvested after 35 - 40 HST, produces fruit weighing 350 - 400 gr / fruit, and has a yield potential of 70 - 80 tons / Ha.

Cucumber Wulandari

This variety can be cultivated in low to highlands, resistant to Gemini virus disease and Green Vein Rolling, can be harvested after 32 - 35 HST, produces fruit with a weight of 106 - 125 gr / fruit, and has a potential yield of 20-48 tons / Ha.


You Should Know

Besides green, some other cucumber varieties are white, yellow, orange, or brown.

Economic and Market Potential

Cucumber: Export Commodities with Great Potential

Cucumber is one of the horticultural commodities that has promising economic potential. The increase in the population of Indonesia and the world has led to increased demand for this type of commodities. Cucumber is a vegetable commodity that has begun to enter the export market, in the form of fresh fruit. Indonesia has exported cucumbers to several countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, England, France, and the Netherlands.

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