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Introduction to Mustard Greens
Mustard Greens: Vegetable Commodity Rich in Health Benefits
Mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.) are plants originating from China and East Asia. Mustard greens are estimated to have entered Indonesia in the 19th century along with other subtropical vegetables through trade routes on the Asian continent. This plant is a seasonal horticultural plant that belongs to the Brassicaseae family. Mustard greens contain minerals, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and several vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C.
With a fairly diverse nutritional content of mustard greens, this plant is usually processed as a vegetable for public consumption. In addition, mustard greens are also commonly used for treatment, including to prevent breast cancer, improve eye health, control blood cholesterol levels, and prevent heart attacks.

How to Plant Mustard Greens
Starting From Land Preparation To Abundant Harvest
Seed Selection
Use good quality seeds with the characteristics of a shiny surface, slightly hard, and blackish brown in color.
Selection of Planting Land
Mustard greens can grow in low to highlands (5 – 1200 meters above sea level). The condition of the planting land must be loose, have a high humus content, be fertile, and have good drainage. Soil pH 6 – 7.
Cultivation of Plantation Land
Clean the planting area from weeds. Loosen the soil to a depth of 20 – 30 cm. Avoid planting areas from the shade of trees or buildings. Spread 10 tons/ha of manure and 2 tons/ha of dolomite with a spreading period of 2-4 weeks before planting.
Make a nursery bed with a length of 1 – 3 m, a width of 80 – 120 cm, and a height of 20 – 30 cm. Sprinkle 2 – 5 kg of manure, 20 g of urea, 10 g of TSP, and 7.5 g of KCl (done before the seeding period).
Make planting beds with a length of 3 – 4 m, a width of 120 cm, a height of 20 – 30 cm, and a distance between beds of 30 cm. Sprinkle manure 1 week before planting with a dose of 10 tons/ha, TSP 100 kg/ha, KCl 75 kg/ha.
Maintenance and Care of Mustard Greens for Good Production
Water regularly in the morning and evening during the dry season. During the rainy season, water the plants with clean water every time it rains to remove fungal hyphae and soil attached to the plants.
Harvest and Post-Harvest for Maximum Results
Harvesting is done at 6 MST. Harvesting is done by pulling out the mustard greens up to the root area. Clean the mustard greens from dry or old leaves.
Binomial name
Scientific Classification
Brassica juncea L
Tosakan, Shinta, Dakota
Origin of Mustard Greens
From China and Korea to Indonesia
Historical records state that mustard greens were first cultivated several centuries ago in the Asian continent, especially China and Korea around 15 centuries earlier. Then in the 19th century, mustard greens began to be introduced to the American continent and began to spread throughout the world. Mustard greens themselves began to spread to Indonesia in the 19th century through trade routes around the Asian continent.
Mustard Greens Commodity Production Centers in Indonesia
West Java
Central Java
East Java
North Sumatera
North Sulawesi
West Sumatra
Interesting Facts
Mustard greens can be used in the phytoremediation process, which is the process of removing toxic substances such as heavy metals from the soil. In medieval Europe, palaces and monasteries often employed someone as a 'mustardarius' or in Indonesian called para penyawi, whose main task was to supervise the planting and harvesting of mustard greens
Nutritional Content of Mustard Greens
Per (100 gram)
9 kkal
0,1 gr
1,7 gr
0,8 gr
56 mg
42 mg
5 mg
0,05 mg
0,1 mg
193,1 mg
Vitamin A
862 mg
Vitamin B1
0,05 gr
Vitamin B2
0,18 mg
Vitamin B3
0,5 mg
Vitamin C
3 mg
1 gr
0,4 mg
Major Health Benefits
Relieving respiratory disorders
Vitamin C in mustard greens can help relieve sinus inflammation and reduce the risk of asthma.
Preventing cancer
The isothiocyanates and sinigrin content in mustard greens are antioxidants that can have anti-cancer properties.
Maintaining bone health
Calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and Vitamin K can maintain bone structure and strength.
Preventing anemia
The iron in mustard greens can help form hemoglobin, prevent anemia, and maintain the balance of red and white blood cells.
Preventing kidney stones
Mustard greens which are rich in Vitamin A can prevent the formation of urinary stones by accumulating calcium phosphate.
Mustard Greens Varieties
Mustard Varieties You Should Know
Tosakan Variety
Mustard greens varieties with characteristics of large plants, semi-open and upright shape, stems growing long and having many shoots, long and slender leaf stalks, upright leaf growth shape and fairly even leaf edges.
Shinta Variety
Mustard greens variety with upright plant type with attractive leaf shape, flat leaf edges and bright green color, delicious leaf taste, soft leaf texture, crispy and non-fibrous stem texture. This variety is suitable for planting in low and medium lands on various types of soil. The harvest age of this variety is 25 HST with a potential yield of 400 - 500 grams per plant.
Dakota Variety
Another name for this variety is white mustard, suitable for planting in highlands or lowlands and also planted with a hydroponic system. This type of variety grows upright and is resistant to drought, and does not wilt easily.
You Must Know
Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) shows that mustard greens production in Indonesia was 706,305 tons in 2022. This number decreased by 2.9% compared to the previous year which reached 727,467 tons.
Economic and Market Potential
Mustard Greens: Vegetable Commodity with Many Fans
The demand for mustard greens in Indonesia and internationally continues to increase over time along with the growing public awareness of the nutritional values in vegetables. In addition, its benefits as a disease preventative are also a futuristic potential in the demand for this commodity. With the increasing demand for mustard greens, this commodity is estimated to have great potential for the domestic economy, and could be an interesting idea for a nutritious vegetable business and nutritious vegetable processing.
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