Spinach (Amaranthus spp) is a popular vegetable because of its delicious taste and rich benefits. This vegetable contains a lot of protein, fat, carbohydrates, potassium, amarathin, rutin, purine, vitamins (A, B, and C). and is a mainstay source of iron. The plant, which is harvested by pulling or picking, is processed as a clear vegetable, pecel, gado-gado, or as fresh vegetables.
Iranian or American origin
Spinach was first domesticated in the Iranian region of former Persia about 2,000 years ago. How spinach spread around the world remains a mystery. Spinach is also thought to have originated in the tropical regions of the Americas. Migration and trade have encouraged the spread of spinach to Asia, Africa and Europe.
Planting Requirements
5 – 2.000 meters above sea level
Air Temperature
25 – 35°C
Air Humidity
1000 – 1600 mm/year
Soil ph
Soil Texture
Loose to loamy sand
Seed requirement
3.000 - 3.500 gram/hektar
Planting Distance
10 cm x 20 cm
Harvest Time
1-1.5 months
Yield Potential
20 ton/ha
Scientific Classification
Amaranthus sp.
Panduan Budidaya Wortel
How to Grow Spinach in the Field for Abundant Yields
A Complete Guide to How to Overcome Pests and Diseases in Spinach Plants
9 Beginner Mistakes in Growing Spinach
Types and Varieties of Spinach that are Interesting to Cultivate
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lutein can function as an antioxidant in spinach to help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Maintain heart health
Spinach contains antioxidants and natural nitrates that help lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and maintain heart health.
Maintain healthy skin and hair
Spinach contains Vitamins A and C that help maintain skin elasticity and prevent premature aging. Iron and magnesium in spinach can help maintain healthy hair
Increases hemoglobin levels
The high iron content in bayan can increase hemoglobin levels in the body.
Prevents constipation
The fiber content in spinach can soften stools and stimulate peristalsis in the intestines.
Strengthens the immune system
The nutrients in spinach can help fight infection.
Maintain bone health
Spinach contains protein, iron, vitamins and minerals that the body needs.
Potensi Ekonomi dan Pasar Komoditas Bayam
In a week, Indonesians consume an average of 0.061 kg/capita of spinach.
In a year, Indonesians consume an average of 3.192 kg/capita of spinach.
Spinach is the second most consumed vegetable after kale
Also Read Other Articles About Spinach at Kebunindo
Explore more articles about spinach commodities at kebunindo. Learn more about spinach cultivation, benefits, and economic potential.