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Introduction to Water spinach
Vegetable Commodity with Many Benefits
One of the horticultural plants that is widely favored by the Indonesian people is water spinach. There are two types of water spinach, namely land water spinach (Ipomoea reptans L. Poir) and water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica). The type of water spinach that is favored by the Indonesian people is the type of land water spinach because it has a delicious taste and quite high nutritional content.

How to Cultivate Water Spinach
Starting from Land Preparation to Abundant Harvest
Land clearing
Land clearing aims to clean all organic waste (leaves), inorganic waste (plastic)
Soil processing
The soil is prepared by plowing it until it is loose using a hoe to a depth of 20-30 cm, then left for 3-4 days so that the toxic microorganisms in the soil can die.
Making beds
The cultivated land is then formed into beds with a length of 15 m, a width of 20 cm, a height of 20 cm, and a distance between beds of 30 - 40 cm.
Preparation of planting materials and preparation of seeds
The seeds prepared are seeds that have good quality which are superior and resistant to HPT.
Planting holes in the beds are made by making holes with a distance between planting holes of 5 – 6 cm and a depth of 2 – 3 cm. Put 4 – 5 superior water spinach seeds per planting hole.
Fertilization aims to add nutrients to the soil so that they can be absorbed by plants for their metabolic processes. Fertilization is done in 2 ways, namely in the roots and in the leaves. The nutrients needed consist of macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Harvesting is carried out when the water spinach reaches 2 – 4 MST. Harvesting is carried out on water spinach that has grown to around 25 – 30 cm. Harvesting is done by cutting between the stem and the roots of the water spinach.
Binomial name
Scientific Classification
Ipomoea reptans Poir
Bangkok LP-1, Bisi, Bika, Serimpi, Sutera
Origin of Water Spinach
From India and China to Indonesia
Water spinach comes from the tropical parts of the Asian continent, namely India and China, then spread to Indonesia through trade routes. Water spinach is widely planted in Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia, Burma, Indonesia, South China, and is also planted in Australia and Africa.
Water Spinach Commodity Production Centers in Indonesia
Interesting Facts
Water spinach is categorized as a noxious weed in the United States because it can disrupt local ecosystems.
Nutritional Content of Water Spinach
Per (100 gram)
3 gr
0,3 gr
5,4 gr
2 gr
73 mg
66 mg
50 mg
Vitamin A
6300 IU
Vitamin B1
0,07 mg
Vitamin C
32 mg
Major Health Benefits
Reducing cholesterol
Water spinach can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, especially when consumed with fatty foods and red meat.
Increasing body resistance
The Vitamin A and Vitamin C content in water spinach can increase the body’s resistance and fight infections.
Maintaining eye-health
Water spinach contains Vitamin A which is good for eye health.
Maintaining digestive health
water spinach contains fiber which can help improve digestion and prevent constipation
Maintaining body fluid balance
Water spinach contains potassium which can help regulate the body’s fluid balance.
Lowering blood pressure
Water spinach contains potassium which can help lower blood pressure
Preventing jaundice
Water spinach contains antioxidants that can help prevent jaundice.
Preventing anemia
Water spinach contains iron which can help prevent anemia.
Maintaining healthy bones, skin and hair
Water spinach can help maintain healthy bones, skin and hair
Water Spinach Varieties
Water Spinach Varieties You Should Know
Bangkok LP-1
This variety is suitable for planting in lowlands to highlands with a harvest age of 21-25 HST and a potential yield of 25-30 tons per hectare.
This variety is suitable for planting in low to medium plains with a harvest age of 25-30 HST and high production of around 450-500 bunches/kg of seeds, a minimum growth rate of 70%, a seed purity level of up to 90%, has a sturdy stem but is slow to flower, and is also vigorous and uniform.
This variety is suitable for planting in low to medium land with a harvest age of 20 - 35 HST and a potential yield of 6.2 - 94 tons / ha, sturdy, upright, and uniform plant growth.
The Little Mermaid
This variety is suitable for planting in low to medium plains with a harvest age of 21-25 HST, resistant to powdery mildew, vigor, and uniform.
This variety is a type of broad-leafed water spinach that is suitable for planting in lowlands to highlands with a harvest age of 35-45 HST and a potential yield of 12-44 tons/ha, has a delicious taste, crispy stems, and is not slimy.
You Must Know
Although its existence is considered dangerous by the United States, water spinach in Indonesia is consumed as a vegetable in everyday cooking. You don't need to worry, as long as it is processed properly, water spinach can be very beneficial for our bodies.
Economic and Market Potential
Water Spinach: Underrated But Has Economic Value
Water spinach is often considered trivial by most people in terms of economy, even though water spinach has a relatively stable price value with a fairly wide market. Lower to upper class people are active consumers of water spinach, the market potential is also quite large because water spinach can be sold in traditional and modern markets. Coupled with the increasing public awareness of the importance of nutrition for the body, the demand for water spinach continues to increase all the time.
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