East Java is the largest producer of cow’s milk in Indonesia

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East Java has once again solidified its position as the largest producer of cow’s milk in Indonesia. Contributing more than 50% of the total national milk production, this province serves as the backbone of the dairy cattle industry in the country.

The latest data from the Central Bureau of Statistics shows that in 2023, cow’s milk production in East Java reached over 456,343.40 tons per year.

Main Production Centers

The areas with the highest cow’s milk production in East Java include:

NoRegency/CityDairy Cow Milk (in tons)

Source: BPS and East Java Provincial Livestock Office / Data Update March 28, 2023

These regencies have vast farmland and a supportive climate. One of the largest dairy centers is Malang Regency, known as the “milk city” due to its many dairy farms that produce high-quality milk.

In addition, local government programs that provide technical support and training to farmers have been key to success. In recent years, dairy productivity in East Java has continued to rise, supported by modern technology and more efficient farming practices.

The Important Role of Dairy Farming for the Local Economy

The dairy industry in East Java is not only a source of livelihood for thousands of farmers but also contributes significantly to the province’s economy. This immense potential has also attracted investment interest from various parties, both domestically and internationally.

With the increasing awareness of the importance of consuming healthy dairy products, the potential for growth in the dairy sector in East Java is projected to continue rising. Moreover, the younger generation, especially Gen Z, who are more conscious of healthy lifestyles, have the potential to become the main consumers of high-quality local dairy products.


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Kebun Indonesia
Admin KebunIndonesia is an editorial team that provides practical and up-to-date information on agriculture, plantations, and agricultural innovations. Committed to supporting the growth of the agribusiness sector in Indonesia.

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